Monday, July 22, 2013

Title page is a go!

So file this one under "small victories," the inside cover of the book is done. Small press and independent publishers started a trend of using the inside cover of a comic for a title page instead of the traditional in-story splash page that usually had the title and credits on it. I assume this is because smaller companies have no ads to put there, so it's one way to fill up space on a page you can't use for the story. Regardless, I've always felt title pages were neat.
I got a bit of a Looney Toons vibe going on with the characters introduced in circles above the name of the series, and then the story title shown underneath. The title is, of course, a play on the name of Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers." For anyone reading the comic, if you take a shot every time there's  a 90's reference in there, I guarantee you'll pass out by the end or your money back. 
And for those keeping score, my editor was my girlfriend at the time (now my ex-wife) and the special thanks is to a good friend who recently transcribed the comic for me so I could re-letter it. The  only thing altered in the fine print is the publication date and my address, which had to be altered so my former in-laws (who I used to live with) won't get any more mail about the comic.
I scanned in the title page from the original printed comic, selected all the black with the magic wand, refined the edge,  deleted to a transparent background and then laid it over a color background (which is the best way to add background color to text, paint bucket would require you to fill in EVERY enclosed letter, like an "a," "o," "e," etc. by hand). I had to rescan the original art with Stick and Psycho cause it had the squiggles in the printed version, but that was it. A nice and easy page, but it still makes me all kinds of happy to see the title page in that shade of blue.

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