Monday, February 17, 2014

It's Talkin Time! My YouTube Video On Issue Three!

This video was made in the exact same way as the one I made a week ago to announce that issue two was done. The only difference is that I basically just sat there and talked into the microphone. I wasn't matching my voiceover to the images for the most part. Just me talking off the top of my head with very few edits or do-overs.

I was originally thinking of doing this as just me talking into a camera but the pain of setting it up combined with any art I put on the wall behind me being too small to see made me decide to go with this format instead. Then I ended up with the problem of having too little artwork to show since I've only done the preliminary design work for the issue, so forgive me for reusing the same images over and over (it is like an old episode of Power Rangers!).

I probably will be turning the camera on myself for some more editorial style videos on the franchise if I can get time.

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