Friday, February 21, 2014

Issue Three Penciling...Start!

So I've started drawing issue three. Right now my tentative plans are to draw it all first before doing anything else. In theory this should help with consistency and story flow but plans are always subject to change.

I've drawn the elements for the title page, which is  probably the only page in there I'm doing piece meal by drawing the different images in it and laying them out in Photoshop. The rest of the comic will be drawn as full pages on bristol board.

I'll leave you guys with one of the images from the title page, which features the "show opening" for Super Rangers. Now when I was thinking of this image I wanted to show Psychoboy aka Lavender Ranger using his Ranger weapon. What would it be? A sword? A crossbow? A hair dryer that shoots flames? A loud speaker? (All those have actually been weapons on Power Rangers, I'm not even kidding). No Psychoboy deserved something that matched his style and personality...The Chainsaw of Justice!

C'mon Bandai, make this into a toy! You know children chasing each other around with bright purple chainsaws would awesome!

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