Thursday, April 24, 2014

Page Three Ready! Never Stand Behind A Power Ranger Doing Something Dramatic!

Here's page three for issue three with commentary below...

So this is a pretty straight forward page introducing Psychoboy as Lavender Ranger. 

We start with a series of quick close ups building up to his introduction shot. This is a pretty common technique used in Power Rangers and in anime too to build up tension for the reveal of a character. It seemed like appropriate melodrama here.

The explosion when he says his name is something that sometimes happens on the show. Sometimes it happens on introductions, morphs or when a bunch rangers get together in a team-up episode. In some episodes, background explosions seem to happen just randomly during fight scenes. It's an odd technique to emphasis dramatic moments on the show. It's so much fun to make light of there's even been jokes about in the series itself. 

So Psychoboy is the team's special, super powerful sixth ranger who always joins the team later in the season. His outfit is, of course, modeled after Tommy the Green Ranger, Power Ranger's original sixth ranger and I got to say that shield he wears can make pretty much anyone look bad ass.

So this page is done and will be on display in my little art book at my table at Winston-Salem Comic-Con on Saturday.  I'll be wrapping up my con prep this week and actually get back to my regular schedule on churning out issue three after the convention.

Until I wish everyone happy background explosions!

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