Sunday, September 15, 2013

Page Ten Complete!

Page ten is done and I'm two-thirds of the way through the first story! As I said, I'll only be showing some of the finished panels from the remaining pages of issue one from here on out so as not to spoil the whole thing before it's released.

So our heroes finally reach their destination...

The car was just something that was easy to draw back when I did the comic originally. I sort of wish I'd come up with a stranger car for Psycho now, but it's only one panel and he'll have a completely different vehicle next time you see him. He'll probably be keeping the license plate though.

So they're at a high school dressed in black trench coats? Nothing could go wrong there, could it?

Hey, look, it's a good guy with a gun! Our hapless school resource officer is inspired by Officer Barbrady from South Park. Again just a passing resemblance, I wasn't going for anything precise, though I do hear his voice every time I read this guy's dialog.

Well things just keep getting better, huh? The principal isn't modeled after anyone, she's just what came to mind when I thought about a frantic principal. I really like a lot of the designs on these one gag bit characters. Maybe I can think of an excuse for some of them to show up in a later story.

On no, not a "Bom"! I tried making this restroom look as rundown and disgusting as possible. I'm pretty sure it violates the Geneva Convention or something. The letter here is my own scanned-in handwriting.  This page was inspired by a real local incident where a school was evacuated shortly after Columbine when a threatening note was found in the boy's restroom, which is the strangest place I can think of to put one (it, unsurprisingly, turned out to be a hoax).

So that's it for this page. You'll have to wait a bit to see how that little gag is resolved, but you will get to see what happened to Stick and Psycho afterwards as I tackle page 11 next week. 

Until then, people, move along, there's nothing to see here...

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