Sunday, September 29, 2013

Page 12 Done!

So page 12 is done. It wraps up the scene at the school that began a couple pages ago. Again, this is inspired by the frequent local bomb threats just after Columbine and how they always ended up on the local news. Here's some panels from the page...
The two kids on the right are based on characters from the same unpublished superhero concept I took a couple kids from for the music store scene. These two always wear black, so the color choices where easy there. I love how the guy is about to walk past the news camera while smoking.

The rest of the walking kids are generic designs. The reporter is again just an attempt to make an interesting looking character. I love her hair. And then there's her interviewee...

He's inspired by Bobby from King of the Hill. Read his dialog with a Texas accent for full effect.
And then we have what I would think is the more typical reaction to school getting dismissed...

The kid in the white jacket is the last one based on my unpublished heroes. I don't think it was intentional, but his power is flight so it's appropriate he's the one in midair. The kid in the darker clothes is inspired by Alexander Darque in Unity 2000, a miniseries that Jim Shooter was writing at the time. 
Meanwhile, inside the school...
Not cracking on cops, obviously they're obligated to check schools for real every time there's a threat, and do so in real life. I suppose this is what I thought they should be doing instead, since it always turned out to be a stupid hoax. I was all kinds of happy when I found the perfect orange for their vest. And while figuring out the colors for the donut box, I realized my 20 year-old self had intended for it to be a Krispy Kreme box and that brought a big smile to my face for some reason.
So that's it for page 12. Next, the final scene begins! 

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