Saturday, September 13, 2014

Return of the Con!

So Winston-Salem Comic-Con went a lot better this time time.

I sold a few more than I did at past cons and had several other attendees express sincere interest in getting at least one issue of the series. I had a lot of good conversations and even did a brief interview with a reporter so I may be getting some press for the series soon. Attendees picked up a fair amount of fliers for both the series and Psychoboy's campaign site, I had some campaign signs on my display for Psycho (they looked great on photo paper) and he'll be launching his campaign tomorrow. And I also got page six for issue four penciled.

Not sure what the difference was this time, It just seemed like a better crowd with good volume. I was facing away from the entrance, but at an end table on a row that was fairly close to the door, so that probably helped.

I had wonderfully talented neighbors who shared a table: talented artist Rodney Bennett, who is working on his own graphic novel  Legend of the Black Starr, and Dan Johnson who is one of the writers of Dennis the Menace and an assistant editor at Charlton Neo. It's amazing the guys you get to meet at cons.

Not sure if I learned anything particularly useful for creators this time. The city of Winston-Salem provides some hella hard seats at that venue, so if you plan to work and use them the whole time, you might want to bring a cushion.

I grabbed breakfast from McDonald's including coffee, which I never drink. I learned to ask for sugar instead of cream and that their coffee takes close to an hour before it'll stop scolding your insides when you drink it.

And when you're sticking stuff to your table cloth, do it around around the top with the table to push against when securing it. Just sticking stuff on the loose, hanging cloth didn't work. Some weird rule of physics applies there, I assume.

Anyway it was a good time, I'm tired as hell. Hopefully, I can still stay on schedule for issue four. Tomorrow I'll blog on Psycho's campaign site. Prepare yourself for the best candidate who never existed!

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