Sunday, October 5, 2014

Issue Four, Page Six Done...Campaign Montage Time!

The great thing about this story is pretty much every new page is my favorite. Page six, which shows the campaign montage, is no exception...

This panel is inspired by the keg parties put on by a group that was against the Affordable Care Act. They literally threw drunken college parties to encourage students to not sign up for health insurance. Admittedly "Intoxicate the Vote" seems kind of sane by comparison. Sometimes, even Psychoboy can't compete with real life crazies

And this panel...yeah, that was A LOT of work on the lettering. I decided to have him stealing campaign signs of local candidates in my area. Most of the designs are made up. What made the work worth it, is I get to show how ridiculously thorough Psycho is, taking everyone's sign no matter how small or unrelated the campaign is. 

I'm a reporter in my day job and accusations of candidates stealing each other's signs is fairly common. So now you know, if campaign signs go missing, it wasn't a prank or calculated political tactic. It's just Psychoboy being thorough. No real campaign signs were harmed in the making of this comic. 

So with page six out of the way, I have only two pages to go! I'm going to try to draw, ink and color page seven this weekend. Can I do it in 48 hours? We'll see. Wish me luck!

And in the meantime be sure to check out the Elect Psychoboy site and follow him on social media for more of his awesome campaign!

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