Monday, September 16, 2013

Hey, I made another talkie! It's a YouTube update!

Fans of moving pictures with sound, rejoice! At long last I've done my second YouTube video! This one features completed images from the comic with commentary about my progress and pace in putting it out thus far. It's nothing new for those who've been following my blog, but it lets people know in a different way how it's been going and will hopefully reach a few people who haven't been on the blog.

I can't say I'm any better at speaking into my computer's built-in microphone than I was in the first video, but the sound is louder and better quality, at least. Once again it's HD and closed captioned. And I've tried to monetize it. I did get ten second commercials in front of it a couple times I watched it. Let me know if the commercials are an issue or a deterrent for any of you.

It is very short and put together relatively quickly. Squeezing it in on top of work, doing the comic, blogging and social media has been very challenging. I planned to do more videos by now but it's hard to find the time. At the moment, I'm planning to do another update when I'm done with the comic  and, if all goes well, they'll be a video announcing something special before then. Videos on how I make the comic and other extras are still planned but have been pushed back until after I finish issue one. Once I get this first story done, I plan to slacken the pace a little on putting out pages and hopefully that'll give me some time to do more outside of just the comic itself.

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